For Students
You've Gotten a Letter
Information about the Student Conduct Process
Information about the Student Conduct Process
Educational Conference: The educational conference represents the lowest level of direct intervention at the university. Educational Conferences are facilitated by a university staff member. This resolution option culminates in a Learning Action Plan which the student will complete. A Learning Action Plan is a mutually agreed upon plan of action the student completes to resolve the case.
Administrative Hearing: Administrative Hearings are used to address repeated and/or misconduct that would be inappropriate to address at a lower intervention level. Administrative Hearings are meetings with a university hearing officer in which students have the opportunity to review any information collected by the university through incident reports as well as respond to the information presented. Students have the right to an eligible advisor and are encouraged to locate an advisor in advance of their Administrative Hearing. Administrative Hearings have many potential outcomes, however, suspension or expulsion from the university are not possible outcomes of an Administrative Hearing.
Formal Hearing Process: The Formal Hearing Process is used to address severe instances of misconduct that may result in separation from the university community. The Formal Hearing Process begins with a Procedural Review which is facilitated by a university official. During this meeting, students review the formal hearing process and are given the opportunity to ask questions regarding process and procedures. After completion of the Procedural Review, the case is turned over to a university investigator who will conduct the investigation process. The investigation process includes fact-finding interviews with relevant parties. An investigation report is generated and reviewed by the parties involved. After this review period, a final report detailing findings and outcomes is delivered.
Click the links below to learn more about each resolution option and the conduct process.

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