For Parents

Supporting Your Student


What to Do When Your Child Is Involved in the Campus Conduct Process 

Sending your child to an institution of higher education is as much of a transition for parents as it is for students. The relationship you have with your child will undoubtedly change. Students are expected to make decisions on their own, to learn to resolve conflict independently, and to take responsibility for their actions. At the same time, they covet your love, respect your opinion, and generally operate on the values you instilled in them. So, what should you do when your student becomes involved in the campus conduct system? 

The following section provides some recommendations for parents when they discover that their student is involved in the campus conduct process: 

  • While Tulane recognizes that your goal is to provide support for your student, conduct officers ask that you provide this support unconditionally, but not blindly. Understand that there is a process in place to hear all information regarding the incident in question and encourage your student to prepare themself for the process. Your student will have a meaningful opportunity to be heard before any decisions are made regarding responsibility or sanctions. 
  • When your student receives a notice regarding conduct procedures and has questions, direct them to contact the assigned conduct officer for information. Staff members are not permitted to give specifics to parents and will most likely recommend that the student call anyway. This also empowers the student to solve their own issues and concerns. 
  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 prevents the university from discussing your student's academic and disciplinary record without their written permission. In order for the university to discuss a conduct case with a parent, the student must have a signed FERPA waiver on file. 
  • Educate yourself on Tulane’s student conduct process and download a copy of the Code of Student Conduct. Many of your questions may be easily addressed on this site. 
  • Practice the “24 Hour Rule.” You may receive a phone call or email message from your student because they are upset about facing conduct charges. You may be tempted to try to immediately fix the problem for them. This intervention invariably fails. Try to allow 24 hours to inform, guide, teach, observe, and chastise (if necessary). Gaining a higher education degree is about learning, and lessons learned through participation in the student conduct process are an essential part of the Tulane educational experience. Generally, students are not suspended or expelled for misconduct. 
  • If your student is experiencing anxiety over their involvement in the conduct process, encourage them to seek the assistance of an advisor. The advisor is there to guide and support the student through the process, regardless of their role in the matter. 
  • Encourage your student to connect with the Office of Case Management and Victim Support Services (CMVSS). An experienced Case Manager can provide additional support and connect your student to available campus resources.